AIDS activists
- 艾滋病活动家

This new attitude is good news to AIDS activists .
AIDS activists have also criticised Jammeh 's claims , and say it could set back campaigns to raise awareness about HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis .
The results were not what many AIDS activists and experts had hoped for .
In South Africa , for example , AIDS activists are using text messages to direct people to the nearest H.I.V.testing station .
Yesterday Aids activists were quick to applaud Mr Mandela 's decision to go public with the cause of his son 's death .
I would offer $ 1 billion in grants to support an eclectic group of AIDS activists , who have been very successful over the years in supporting medical research .
South Africa 's Sunday Times , which reported Mbewu 's resignation on31 October , said that his appointment as head of the forum had drawn criticism from HIV / AIDS activists .
The Rio conference brings together leading AIDS researchers , activists and policy makers to discuss recent advances in HIV / AIDS research and ways of translating research findings into practice .